GEAR Logo Dark: CC0 Creative Commons
Gear Section:
GEAR (Game Engine Andrew Richards) is a 3D game engine, that I am developing to improve both my C++ and graphics programming.
GEAR uses MIRU for its rendering, allowing the use of D3D12 or Vulkan in order to target multiple platforms. MIRU is a standalone graphics rendering library that I developed to unify and learn D3D12 and Vulkan. GEAR uses my own proprietary mathematics library called MARS. GEAR is designed to be as cross-platform as possible, though it has only been compiled for Windows x64 systems.
What is its Purpose?
GEAR is a demonstration of my C++ coding and understanding of graphics programming and is not a commercial product.
What is the Future of GEAR?
The core structure of GEAR uses the new low-level APIs allowing the use of D3D12 and Vulkan via MIRU. I have added an Entity-Component/Scene system, PBR rendering, scripting and extending the audio section to use XAudio2 as well. There is also an editor called GEARBOX, allowing you to configure, save and load scenes. The possibilities here are endless for all the UI and features to add to GEAR.
GEAR Rendering example: Copyright © 2019 - Andrew Richards
Please have a look around the source on my GitHub!