Starting off...

Back in mid-February 2018, I started to learn to code in C++; a vital skill for entering the gaming and IT industry. I started with a YouTube video by Yan Cherinokov aka "The Cherno", who previously worked as a Software Engineer at Electronic Arts in Melbourne, Australia. I went in not really knowing what to expect, perhaps it would be hyper focused on mathematics or the syntax would be confusing and archaic (I mean it was developed back in the 1980s). Well, fear not! It's way easier than you think, it's about thinking logically and having a deep understanding of what every line means. Seriously, Get started today - it's really cool and rewarding!

C++ Programming by The Cherno 

Below in an embedded video linking to his playlist. Thank you Cherno - This series is amazing!
This YouTube Series/Playlist and its content is the creation of the YouTube Channel 'The Cherno Project'. Please support the original creator.  I do not in any way own the content below.

Twitter ► Instagram ► Patreon ► Series Playlist ► BEST laptop for programming! ► My FAVOURITE keyboard for programming! ► FAVOURITE monitors for programming!

software - Visual Studio
2019 / 2022 / CODE

I use Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, 2022 and Code as my IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) and text editors. It's widely used, very in-depth with a ton of functionality and the community version  is free. Check it out here:


GitHub is a web-based file-repository system with branching and syncing mechanisms to improve team-based development of coding.

Employment: SIMUL

I work as Software Developer / Graphics Programmer at Simul Software Ltd. in Liverpool, coding in C++. We focus on cloud and atmospheric render for PC, Console, Unity and UE4. I am a self-taught programmer, focusing on C++, OpenGL and Vulkan. Big thanks to Yan Chernikov for the C++ and OpenGL education and Grant Sanderson of 3Blue1Brown for the higher maths education.

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